Galveston, TX
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The following report comes to us from team leader Janet with our team in Galveston, TX:
We were out evangelizing yesterday and were so blessed by the many people that we encountered. We met Juan, a Vietnam veteran who has many health problems and we prayed for him, gave him a Miraculous Medal and prayer cards. We met a mother and her three daughters and they selected rosaries and books to take home with them. We handed out twenty-six Miraculous Medals, many rosaries and pamphlets explaining how to pray the rosary. We encountered Catholics who were not attending Mass regularly and we encouraged them to go to confession and recommit to going to Mass every Sunday. The best part of evangelizing is meeting people where they’re at in their faith journey and having relevant conversations with them and that is why we feel so blessed and full of joy every time we do this!
Praised be Jesus Christ!