Watertown, NY

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This report comes to us from team leader Scott with our team in Watertown, NY:

We were in the square on Saturday from 9:00 AM to noon. The city recently gave us permission to be there every Saturday up until Oct. 1st. This is great because it’s a good chance to follow up with some of the people who came up to our table last year, including the barbers at Db’s Barber Shop across the street who came out to meet me, after they all heard a woman’s voice suddenly say to them, “go outside and receive my medal!” I was passing out Miraculous Medals at the time.

Dave and I set up our table with Holy Rosaries, miraculous medals, literature on the faith, information tracts about the Catholic Church and the sacraments. Since Dave is a Third Order Lay Carmelite, and I am a Third Order Lay Dominican , I took the time to study some readings from the proper of saints this morning in the morning liturgy of the hours (study is a key metric to my vocation as a Dominican). To my delight, I came across the memorial of Saint Mary Magdalene De Pazzi, Virgin, Carmelite, and some of her writing that stuck with me before we went into the square to put ourselves out there for the Lord:

“Just as two rushing rivers intermingle in such a way that the smaller loses its name and is absorbed into the larger, so the divine Spirit acts upon the soul and absorbs it. It is proper that the soul, which is lesser, should lose its name and surrender to the Spirit, as it will if it turns entirely toward the Spirit and is united.” Dave and I asked for her intercession in prayer before we began our evangelization mission.

Praised be Jesus Christ!