Liberty, MO

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The following report comes to us from team leader John with our team in Liberty, MO:

On a muggy Saturday morning, we once again set up at our favorite shady spot in the shadow of Mark Twain (who ironically had strong opinions on religion). This was Team Liberty’s first time in 2024 to evangelize to the masses on their way to the Liberty, Missouri Farmer’s Market. Holding our first event of the year, we conveniently chose our same location next to the public parking lot to intercept many souls on their way to (and back from) the Liberty Farmer’s Market. Our day also happened to coincide with the City’s local Juneteenth celebration happening later that day. Myself and fellow team evangelists RC and Hermann set up our table, briefed, and prayed for graces from the Lord to bring us souls, so we could bring them closer to Jesus. While most people exchange polite pleasantries and keep walking, we were able to have at least a couple of very fruitful interactions.

Brad, a middle-aged gentleman that I recognized from my Facebook friends list and acquaintance from my distant, past political activism, stopped by our table. I had not seen him in person in many years, but we instantly recognized each other; we connected and struck up a nice conversation. He mentioned to me that he was baptized Catholic, but has been attending one of the large Baptist churches in the area for many years. As I was listening to him, I internally said a little prayer for his return to the Church and asked for inspiration from the Holy Spirit. I told him that no matter where he goes to church, he will always be Catholic. He kind of gave me a double-take. Recently he has been thinking about Catholicism ever since he visited a historic rural Catholic church that closed about a month earlier when the Bishop combined it with another rural parish about 7 miles away. His great-great-great grandfather was instrumental in founding the church in 1870. He could not remember the name of the church, he said it was “Seven…something”, and I replied that seven is the number of perfection in the Bible….Creation in Genesis, the Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, and he suddenly responded, “That’s it, Seven Dolors Catholic Church.” We spoke more about the history and he was grateful that he got to attend the picnic at the church celebrating their last Mass. We shook hands and I invited him to stay in touch because it was God’s grace, and no accident, that we ran into each other. I extended a standing invitation to get together any time for a cup of coffee and to talk again soon. Lord, we pray for Brad that the seed planted in his soul bears much fruit and your Holy Spirit brings him back to the Catholic faith.

Praised be Jesus Christ!