Shelby Township, MI
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The following report comes to us from evangelist Suzanne with our St. Raphael parish team in Crystal, MN:
What a nice turnout last evening for the Free Food, Friendship & Faith event, particularly with the number of kids and teens stopping by and even helping out with clean up. Particularly moving were two young men who Mary waved over after having been initially reluctant as they kept looking up from the sidewalk. They not only came over, but then even came back a second time and asked how they could volunteer in some way at our church. They were invited back to help set up next week.
In the conversation with these two H.S. Sophomores, the conversation came around to who is the Pope today. It also came up, would you know who Jesus designated as the first Pope? They seemed genuinely interested, especially as Peter is the name of one of the young men.
One of our team members has an idea for a handout that could be given to teens and young adults who come to FFF&F and also to our parish festival. The idea was forwarded to our pastor and youth minister.
Pray that these young men return and we can have further conversations with them about the faith.
Praised be Jesus Christ!