Shelby Township, MI
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The following report comes to us from team leader Patti with our St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen team in Detroit, MI:
Our team members participated in some wonderful and memorable experiences in the last couple of evangelizing opportunities in the past week. One was at SVDP in Shelby Twp. The staff always makes us feel welcome when we set up outside the thrift store. This time, many customers just stopped by to show appreciation for us coming out to be there to talk to others about our faith. One lady, in particular, left a smile in our hearts. She was from Pakistan but her husband and three sons had lived in the US for the past seven years. At first, she just stood next to our table and continued to smile. She told us that she still had family in Pakistan and needed our prayers. We reassured her that would happen and asked her to sign up for our church to continue prayers for her family. She explained that in Pakistan you are not allowed to practice or even speak about Christian beliefs for fear of being persecuted. She loved how we were able to stand there and speak freely about Catholicism and Jesus Christ. She was presently attending a Lutheran church but wanted to know more about the church we attended. We gave her a hand-out of local Catholic churches, circled ours and wrote down the Mass times. We told her that we would love to see her there! She told us that she would love to do what we were doing and help our church any way that she could. She left her telephone number and told us that she would love to have us for dinner some time. She accepted a couple of religious items and prayed with us. Before we parted she said that she believed Jesus put us there so we could meet. We are certain that she is correct! We will be in touch.
Praised be Jesus Christ!