Winnipeg, Canada
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The following report comes to us from team leader Jared with our team in Winnipeg, Canada:
After recently forming our new street evangelization team, we went out for the first time yesterday! Anthony, Ken, and I decided to try evangelizing at Assiniboine Park (the city’s large urban park) where we found a decent spot to set up our sign, table, and sacramentals/pamphlets at a crossroads near the duck pond and the pavilion.
We were out there for a little over an hour, and although we didn’t manage to engage in very many conversations, we were able to hand out around 10 Miraculous Medals and several Rosaries (along with related pamphlets and holy cards). Most people passed us by with a friendly “no thank you” to the offer of a sacramental, but we were very grateful for those who did stop to take one. Winnipeggers are likely not used to seeing Catholics publicly presenting their faith like this, but we are hoping to change that!
Three young Muslim ladies stopped at our table, and when we showed them our free Rosaries, they seemed very happy and excited to take one each, as well as Miraculous Medals. One of the young ladies said, “Oh! I did not know that Catholics also prayed using prayer beads also” (likely referring to the Muslim prayer beads that she was familiar with). We told her that these prayer beads were called “rosaries” and that they were meant to be prayed with specific Catholic prayers. We gave each of them “How to Pray the Rosary” pamphlets, but they seemed to be heading somewhere, so the conversation ended there. I pray that these young ladies will read the pamphlets and learn more about the power of praying the Rosary.
One lady and her husband, who did not seem to speak very much English, stopped briefly at the table and accepted our offer of Miraculous Medals. The lady took one, and when I asked her if she knew about the medal and if she was a Christian, she exclaimed “All praise to Jesus Christ!” then kissed the medal, touched it to her forehead, and went on her way. Although this couple didn’t understand what we were telling them, I pray that the Holy Ghost will reveal the truth to their hearts!
Praised be Jesus Christ!