Winnipeg, Canada
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The following report comes to us from team leader Jared with our team in Winnipeg, Canada:
Another young man also briefly stopped and accepted a Miraculous Medal. He said he was visiting the city from one of Manitoba’s northern Indigenous communities, and that he was a Catholic. He was happy to receive a free Miraculous Medal but didn’t have much more to say and went on his way. I pray this young man will receive many blessings from Our Lord while he is visiting our city!
The most extended conversation we had that day was with a husband and wife and their adult son. They happily accepted the offer of Miraculous Medals, and when we asked them if they were Catholic, they said that they believed in Jesus and that they considered themselves Christians but did not belong to or attend a church (except on special occasions). They spoke with us of their love for the Scriptures and for prayer and expressed their distress at the lack of peace and morality in our society because of the abandonment of Christian belief and practice. We encouraged them to consider connecting with a Catholic community or parish, and to investigate the Catholic Faith. We mentioned that they could find lots of good information at the Catholic Answers website. They were very grateful for our conversation as they left our table, and I pray that they will seriously consider the importance of being a part of the Catholic Church as they continue searching for truth and meaning in this life.
Overall, our very first street evangelization outing went very well. We learned a few things to improve on for next time, and we are very happy to finally be hitting the streets of our city with the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Praised be Jesus Christ!