Boise, ID

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The following story comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:

Surprising questions awaited us during our busy Father’s Day session. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.

Two couples descended on the table, just as I was beginning to set up. When they found out we were giving away Rosaries, they asked the almost exclusively Catholic question: “Are these blessed?” When they found out they were, three of the four chose two Rosaries apiece. They each had someone in mind who needed one. May they and their fellow family members who receive a Rosary, grow in faith all the way to Catholic Sainthood!

A family with four children (perhaps 4-10 years old) went by, the father signaling “no” to our offer of a free Rosary. But a few moments later, he came back, accompanied by one of his older daughters. He is a non-Catholic Christian, but remembered the Rosary from his youth. I gave him a quick refresher on the Christ-centered prayer experience. The girl was looking longingly at the pretty colored Rosaries, but I told her she could have one “only if it’s okay with your dad”. He nodded, so she chose one. I encouraged him to take one, too, which he did. As they were leaving, the other preteen daughter came up to get one. Not too much later, the other children had come and chose one as well. Meanwhile, the father talked about the importance of Christ and forgiveness. I agreed, noting how astonishing it is that God forgives men when He didn’t even forgive the angels. Our visitor agreed. May God bless the family with unity in Christ.

Another family with four children had stopped earlier when the mom wanted a Rosary. They were Catholic and the parents were familiar with the devotion. After the mom and children had each had a chance to receive a Rosary, I made sure the dad knew he was welcome to have one, too. The only “neutral colored” one left on the table was the large chain Rosary with hematite stones. I assured him that he could have that one, that it would be perfect for a prayer warrior, which all dads need to be. He gladly accepted. Now, the second oldest daughter had been the only family member to decline a Rosary. So, I offered the dad a Green Scapular to give to her, which he gladly accepted. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for that girl (and for all of us) now and at the hour of our death. Amen!

Praised be Jesus Christ!