Boise, ID

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The following story is a continuation of yesterday’s story and comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:

“I have no use for rosemary!” said a woman who had paused just past our table, then turned and came back. “Rosemary? The herb?” our evangelist asked, puzzled. “You’re giving away herbs?” asked the lady. “No, we’re giving away Rosaries.” “Well, I don’t worship Rosaries,” said the lady. “Neither do we! We worship God alone.” “Oh, well, I guess that’s okay.” Then the evangelist quickly described the Rosary as a tool that helps us time our meditations on the life of Christ. She showed our visitor the Rosary pamphlet and where to find each of the 20 stories in the Bible. Still not interested in receiving an actual Rosary, our visitor did accept the pamphlet to study later. May God open her heart and calm her fears.

A man, wearing a baseball cap with a military branch logo, came directly to the table before I could offer him a Rosary. “Logan” does his own non-Catholic Christian street ministry. He offered me a card, complete with QR code for his church. (For some reason, I felt compelled not to touch it.) Then he asked if I needed prayer. I asked him to pray about something that’s challenged me for more than thirty years. His prayer was a generic, “Lord, you know what her issue is. I don’t need to know. Your will be done.” In turn, I asked God to bless Logan and grant him what he needs.

A woman, part of a small group, stopped for a Rosary. Her mom had died just last week, and the Rosary reminded her of her. “She’s praying for you,” I ventured. The woman nodded, accepted the pamphlet with the Rosary prayers, and thanked me. May God draw her back to His Church!

As I was making my way back to the car after the session, a passing couple demanded to know where I was going. “Home?” I replied. It turns out that they are non-Catholic Christians trying to follow the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. Seeing the wagon carrying our Christian signs, they had thought I was going to set up at some trade how, and were wondering where it was. I explained our apostolate in the business park every Sunday, and offered them a Rosary. They didn’t want one, but I explained the devotion to the woman and how it helps people grow closer to Christ. She did take the pamphlet. We encouraged each other, for the continued safety of the city, to remain faithful to Christ.

Many families were out and honoring their father. Altogether, I gave away a near-record 30-35 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a Green Scapular.

Please pray for us again today. Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.

God’s love stretches to each unique human being. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!