Vienna, VA

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The following report comes to us from team leader Rafael with our team in Vienna, VA:

On Saturday, we had the Second Outing of 2024 at the Dunn Loring, Merrifield METRO Station. Linda joined me and we started at 12:30 PM. It was a warm and breezy afternoon. There was good pedestrian traffic since going and coming from downtown Washington.

We’d finished setting up our display table and prayed when Jonathan came and received a Crucifix with a Miraculous Medal. Then Mabel and Aaron received 2 Crucifixes with Miraculous Medals and 2 Rosaries with the pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary in Spanish. Mary came and received a Rosary with the pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary in Spanish. She also received a Crucifix with a Miraculous Medal. Paula came and received a Rosary. Carla, from Bolivia, came and received a Crucifix with a Miraculous Medal, a Rosary with the pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary in Spanish.

Jose and Maria came with their three children and received 2 Crucifixes with Miraculous Medals and 3 Rosaries with the pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary in Spanish. Sofie came and received a Rosary with the pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary in Spanish. Julia, a Baptist, came and received a Rosary and a pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary in English. Margaret came and received a Rosary and a pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary in English. Ruth came and received a Rosary.

Kimberly came and received a Rosary and a pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary in English. Finally Stephen came and received a Rosary with the pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary in English. He also received a Crucifix with a Miraculous Medal.

It is the Work of the Holy Spirit that brings us all these people interested in Rosaries, Miraculous Medals, pamphlets, information on the nearest Catholic Church and PRAYERS.

Praised be Jesus Christ!