Syracuse, NY
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The following report comes to us from team leader Scott with our team in Syracuse, NY:
We are blessed to have our evangelists: Dave, Jeramyah, and Allison. They felt called to help others. Unfortunately it took some time getting this team off the ground. We also had some roadblocks with city permits, insurance needs, and finding a suitable site for such a ministry with adequate foot traffic that is not intrusive to local businesses. Hanover Square in downtown Syracuse worked perfectly.
Anyone driving through Syracuse at any point will notice a homeless population. Our team planned for this by providing necessities to those we may encounter in need such as providing food and drink while also making available a community resource list for food pantries, shelters, parish information in the Syracuse area, and crisis hotlines. Furthermore, my wife Leanna made twelve loaves of homemade bread (what a great number) for our team to pass out to those in need. At the end of the day, all the bread was gone.
Unfortunately, bad weather was scheduled for the entire Upstate New York area. Along the way from Watertown to Syracuse, we came across torrential rains, but we pushed through it anyway, for Dave and I concluded that the Lord died for our sins upon the cross, so it is no matter to us that we become soaking wet out in the square today. We were also praying the rosary from our respective vehicles during the trip. Fortunately, to our delight, once we got to Hanover Square, the sun came out and it stopped raining just in time.
As Dave and I were setting up in the square, a Bosnian lady by the name of Cynthia came up to greet us and ask us about our table. We handed her a rosary and information on the faith, along with a Miraculous Medal, books I wrote on Christian apologetics, and some food and water. She was very kind and accepted all of this, while also telling us some things about her own country. She then walked to the top of the steps in the square with the stuff we gave her. Then, she decided to sit down on a bench in the grassy area under a tree behind us with her back facing us where she resided to feed the pigeons that flocked to her feet.
Praised be Jesus Christ!