Boise, Idaho
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This report is the first in a two-part story from team leader Lucy in Boise, Idaho:
Religion, the right worship of God, is a need that Our Creator placed within us. Providentially, God also taught us how He wants to be worshiped. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
All three convention centers in “our business park” were being used for an international gathering of the wives’ association of an organization to which Catholics are forbidden to belong (because of their incorrect teachings about God). Most of the many, many women were dressed very nicely in long dresses with jewelry. Unfortunately, of the small handful who stopped to receive a Rosary, at least two professed to be Catholic. Still, I set them up with a Rosary and encouraged them to pray it daily.
Another woman decided to stop for a Rosary. At first, she seemed as if she would give me a friendly no. But then she recalled that, when she was young, a Catholic friend had given her a Rosary. But something had happened, and she didn’t have it anymore. I offered her a replacement. She decided that, since she had suddenly remembered the lost Rosary after all these years, she would accept one of ours. Then she told me that her daughter had recently died from an overdose of a pain management drug, and that she planned to set up the Rosary by her daughter’s picture. May her daughter’s soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Two women in their late teens or early 20s stopped when one of them wanted a Rosary. She said she was very familiar with the devotion, but her friend was not. The friend also was not Christian. So, Lucy explained the Rosary meditations as a way to get to know Who Jesus is. She also gave the woman a copy of our Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Praised be Jesus Christ!