Somerville, NJ

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This report comes to us from team leader Alpa with our Somerville – Immaculate Conception parish team in NJ:

Our team increases its outings in the summer, and we were blessed to have had three such outings this past week. One of our evangelists, Mary Ann, was given the grace to see the results of her street evangelization: Shawn, a man she’d spoken with last month on the street, happened upon our team again and told her that he is going to Holy Mass and confession now!

Albert and I spoke to a couple who accepted a rosary and Miraculous Medal. She lives in Somerville, but he was from out of town and both were fallen away Catholics. We spoke about our Catholic faith and the importance of a relationship with Jesus. She felt that she was being called to pray or to seek more and we affirmed that this was a calling from the Lord, who never forces himself but continually calls us to him. They both smiled at us and were open to receiving information about Confession and returning to the faith.

We spoke to another young man who recently was discharged from the military. He had started attending Holy Mass and confession while in boot camp, but stopped once he was released. We spoke to him for an extended period and were thankful to the Lord for his willingness to talk with us about his faith. We learned that his grandfather is a driving force of faith in his life. We prayed with him to help him discern where the Lord is calling him at this juncture. He also gave us his phone number and we texted him information about a very active young adult group in the area. We talked to him about our local parish and he gratefully accepted both a bulletin and the confession pamphlet. We asked him to contact us should he want any assistance with anything or if he’d like us to go to Mass with him.

Praised be Jesus Christ!