Somerville, NJ
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From Ingrid (who is bilingual and spoke to the following people in Spanish):
On Saturday I met Veronica. She’s Catholic, goes to Mass, but doesn’t frequent the sacraments as she is in a relationship. She has the sacrament of marriage but her husband left her many years ago and after many years alone raising her 3 daughters she met someone. She spoke with a priest who suggested an annulment but she believes that marriage is for life. I told her to keep going to confession and to meditate on the priest’s advice, but in the end she will need to make a decision. I told her about my life experience on that aspect as a single mom and the decision I took. She also asked me where she can find a book to read during adoration. I sent her a link to a Catholic store that sells books in Spanish for adoration.
Wilbert met Estrella and her husband, they are evangelicals. After coming to this country they couldn’t find a church so they were asking about a church in Spanish that they could join. I offered to look for Catholic Churches close where they live in Plainfield and they accepted. I sent them info of three churches with the Mass, adoration, and holy hour times.
Today I met Luis, he comes from a Catholic family but married to a Pentecostal woman. He was active in the Pentecostal church during his marriage but after his divorce he no longer attended that church. He talked about his father who keeps asking him to return to the Catholic Church. His mom unfortunately passed away. He said he visited St Joseph church in Bound Brook and St Patrick church in NY. He was touched when he went and saw St Martin and St Rosa of Lima images there. He considers himself Catholic but doesn’t attend mass nor believe in images. I recalled to him the experience he had when saw the image of the Peruvian saints in St. Patrick church. I told him that he didn’t adore those images but they were a vivid reminder of his Peruvian and Catholic roots. He took the Rosary and the pamphlet “How to Pray the Rosary” as well as the Miraculous Medal.
Lord, we pray that these people find their way back to You. Help them to recognize You in the movements of their hearts and in their lives and give them the grace to act upon Your call.
Praised be Jesus Christ!