Indianapolis, Indiana
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This report comes from team leader Deb in Owatonna, MN:
Dozens of SPSE evangelists met in Indianapolis for the National Eucharistic Congress. Tom and I met outside St. John the Evangelist Church to head out for an evangelization outing. The Prayer Station sign was standing up in the wagon and Angie came by to ask if we would pray for her children and parents. She wanted her children to grow closer to the Lord and her parents were getting older and more frail. We prayed for her and started out again. A priest was walking by totally engaged in looking at his phone. I said “Father, you’d better be careful or you’ll walk off the curb”. He stopped to talk and we asked if he would like us to pray for him. He said he would really like prayer so that he could focus on what God wants for him as a priest and to be a good shepherd for his people. We prayed for his request and in thanksgiving for his yes to the Lord. We kept going and on the next corner and a Protestant street preacher named Pastor Eric. He said we needed to pray for a teenage girl who had lots of trouble. We talked to Emily who said she had been homeless since her mom kicked her out a week ago. We asked Pastor Eric if there was a St. Vincent de Paul in town and he said he was working on getting her into a shelter but they were currently full. Tom prayed for her and her mother and the difficulties she was experiencing. We told her about God’s love for her and that he’s walking with her in her trials.
A few blocks later, Monte saw our Prayer sign and asked if we would pray for his adult daughter Ashley, who doesn’t believe in God. We prayed for her heart to be opened to God’s love and in thanksgiving for her earthly father who wants her eternal salvation. Mary Ann and Melody stopped before we could keep moving, Mary Ann is a teacher from San Diego who teaches 8yr old through 12th graders Gregorian Chant. Her students were doing their final mass today and she wanted prayers for them. She really missed them. Tom prayed for her and the blessings of their gift of music, especially chant and for Mary Ann’s nurturing of them. As we rounded the last corner, we saw our first person we prayed for, Angie, and she thanked us again for our prayers.