Pasadena, TX

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The following report comes to us from team leader Janet with our team in Galveston, TX:

Yesterday, we spent another amazing day evangelizing and we are in such awe of our good God who brought many souls to us to hear His Words of Truth, to seek prayer and to receive rosaries and Miraculous Medals.

Later on that day, as I was reflecting on the day’s events, it occurred to me that when we go out to evangelize we are like “spiritual” EMTs. In our society, we have EMTs who respond to people in need of medical treatment and intervention for medical emergencies concerning their bodies and they rush to the scene and apply whatever treatment is necessary to save their lives.

As “spiritual” EMTs, we take ourselves out to the public square and offer a “lifeline” to those who are spiritually broken, lost, confused and needing to know that there is a God of Love, through the person of Jesus Christ, who loves them and desperately wants to bring them back into His arms, into His fold, His Church, His sacraments and who deeply desires a personal relationship with each and every person.

We have even been known to run after those who don’t want anything from us because sometimes people don’t know what they don’t know. We’re not obnoxious about it, but usually we can get a few words out about how they are loved by God and how He wants them to know and love Him. That way, they walk away with something to think about and it may be the “little mustard seed” that grows into a big tree bringing them into complete relationship with Him in the Catholic Church.

We continue to pray for those we have encountered including the young mother who needs a job and her car fixed, the other young mother who is in an unstable marriage, the little boy who wants to learn to pray the rosary with his Grandma and all the others for which it would be too much to write here.

I also want to thank everyone who gave up their personal time to come out and evangelize. God is forming a wonderful team of faithful Catholics who join with us every time. And, before I went out, it just so happens that I read the following: “When a Christian is instrumental in the conversion and sanctification of another, the result is not only forgiveness of sins and reinstatement of the sinner to the life of grace, but the same in the instrumental Christian. This truth is affirmed in the Book of James: “”My brothers, if anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back, he should know that whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.”” (Jas. 5,19-20)