Hamilton County, Indiana

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This report comes from evangelist Leslie in Hamilton County, Indiana.

We had a team of three: myself, Lucy, and Nancy, stationed at the War Memorial. This traffic area was along the route and we noted that some of the people walking by were not a part of the Eucharistic Congress and procession. We took the opportunity to approach people as they walked by to see if they would like to learn more about the procession. Most of the time, people just kept on walking or declined to take the time to talk with us. I was blessed to have a few encounters where I could sow the seeds of the Kingdom.

My first conversation was with a young black father and his daughter. I asked him if he would like to learn what all this was about, referring to the crowd lining the street. He nodded yes! I shared with him that this was a celebration of Jesus. I then explained how the night before he died, Jesus took bread and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying take and eat and do this in remembrance of me. At that point, I shared how this procession is honoring His Body that He gave us in the Eucharist. I also gave him the Eucharist holy card, a miraculous medal, and a rosary for his daughter.

My second conversation was with a Latino couple visiting from California. They said they were Catholic but were not aware that the Eucharistic Congress and procession would be taking place in Indianapolis. They were interested in what was going on and planned to stay and watch. I saw them later with their two teenage children, taking pictures of the procession. I am hoping that the Holy Spirit will revive their faith in some way.

Next, I spoke with two young men in their 20’s. I asked them if they would like to learn what this was all about, pointing to the crowd. They responded that they could see there are a lot of Catholics here. After I shared with them the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper and the procession to honor Jesus in the Eucharist, they explained they were Protestant. I think the crowd itself might have witnessed the Catholic Church’s enduring strength to these young men.

Lastly, I shared with a young man who had just moved here from China to complete his studies at the university. This was my most meaningful conversation as I welcomed him to our country and asked him if he knew about Jesus. He indicated yes, but only a little. I then shared with him how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He did not stay dead; He rose again so we could have eternal life. At this point, I talked to him about the Last Supper and how Jesus took bread, broke it, and gave it to His disciples, saying take it and eat and do this in remembrance of Me. I explained that Jesus did not leave us alone. He left us His Body in the Eucharist. I further explained that we were celebrating the Holy Eucharist in a procession today as I shared with him the holy card of the Eucharist. He pointed to the center of the monstrance on the holy card and asked, “Is this the bread?” I said yes. As he left, I also gave him a holy card of Jesus on the cross. What a privilege to share the Good News of Jesus.