Crystal, MN
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This report comes from team leader Sharon with the St. Raphael Parish team in Crystal, Minnesota:
My team set up at the local community celebration, Crystal Frolics, in conjunction with our parish and parish school. To participate in the three-hour event on Saturday, you had to offer a child-friendly activity. My SPSE team partner, Phil, brought a Bible Trivia quiz and candy. After the kids tried a trivia question and got a piece of candy, we invited them to make a necklace with a medal or two and a rosary. We did offer a simple explanation of the rosary when asked and gave out a few rosary pamphlets.
Ann reported that a little boy came up heartbroken that his special blessed medal had fallen off the chain and couldn’t be found. He wanted to play the trivia game so he could receive a replacement medal. We gave him a Miraculous Medal and also gave one to Ann because her daughter who lost her medal.
Praised be Jesus Christ!