Boise, ID
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The following story comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:
God draws people to Himself. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A petite, 20-something woman with curly, light-brown locks stopped to visit a bit. She had just spent an extended time in a traditionally Catholic country. She had done some sketching there, she said, indicating her satchel. I asked if she could see her artwork. Our visitor showed a small (but actual-sized) drawing of a monkey head carved high up on a cathedral wall. Since monkeys were unknown in that country at the time of the cathedral’s construction, its image confirmed the historical (and to that point disputed) presence of workmen of another nationality (who were familiar with the animal). She also showed her sketch of her favorite 19th-century painting, which captures the horror of a father finding his sole heir murdered. In another country, our visitor had also seen pieces of an historic wall that had divided it. She said her parents were getting up in years and had money, so they traveled a lot. May God grant the girl a sense of His hand in history and His purpose in her life.
A family with 2 children (perhaps 8 and 10 years old) stopped when the children wanted a Rosary. The dad accompanied the two children to the table, but didn’t choose a Rosary himself. The children were not familiar with the Rosary but, when asked, said they were Christian. So, I gave a quick description of the devotion and how to use it to grow closer to Christ. As they left, the evangelist overheard the dad perhaps explaining Christianity to his children. May God bless them and bring the whole family to the fullness of Truth.
A homeless-looking man wearing a heavy jacket stopped briefly. He didn’t take a Rosary, but pointed out the Crucifix on one that matched his childhood one. May God bless, heal him, and draw him back to the Sacraments!
An older couple passed by, the woman pointing upward and shouting that she “prayed to Jesus, not Mary”. The evangelist replied that we do, too, and Mary is our prayer partner. May God break through the conditioning of lies that keep people away from the Church the He founded.
Praised be Jesus Christ!