Somerville, NJ
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This report is from evangelists Michael and Carolyn with our Somerville Immaculate Conception parish team in NJ:
Today was hot and humid on the streets of Somerville, yet the Holy Spirit was absolutely present!
It was Michael and Carolyn out evangelizing, with Edith serving as our prayer support. A good-natured man, Bob, who was waiting for the bus told us that he is Protestant and loves God. However, he sometimes attends the Catholic Mass. So, after discussing different faith matters with him, he graciously accepted a pamphlet on Reasons for Being Catholic.
We had a mother and her two children ask for prayers for her family, as they have had financial struggles the past month. After reassuring her of God’s presence in their lives, we prayed with her and both she and her daughter took Rosaries. Interestingly, she knows the prayers in Spanish, but took a pamphlet in English to learn the prayers that way too.
We also had a young woman, Victoria, who went to Catholic school, seemed like she was still searching for her way with God, and wanted to have a rosary and we prayed with her.
Let us give thanks to the Lord for these and the other encounters today, for this ministry, and for our gift of faith.
Praised be Jesus Christ!