Crystal, MN

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The following report comes to us from team leader Sharon with our St. Raphael parish team in Crystal, MN:

It was a brisk fall day for our last Drive Thru Prayer of the year. We had four evangelists this November morning–Lisa, Phil, Rick, and myself.

We didn’t have many people stop by. The first was M with whom Phil spoke in her native language of Spanish. After speaking with her, we gave her an Our Lady of Guadalupe medal. M sometimes attends Mass at our parish.

We also prayed with H and B. B has anxiety/depression issues and recently lost her job. I gave her both a St Joseph medal and a St Dymphna medal she happened to have on hand and briefly explained the concept of patron saints. H has some Catholicism in his background and they have attended Mass at St Raphael occasionally. Phil brought H and B to our adoration chapel and left after a minute or so to allow them to pray. Phil pointed out the section of our bulletin with contact information for the chapel before he brought them inside. Phil thought B seemed immersed in prayer when he left them.

Lastly, I noticed E at the bus stop in front of our church and offered him a Guardian Angel medal explaining it will help him to remember that there is always someone watching over him.

Praised be Jesus Christ!