Somerville, NJ

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This report comes to us from evangelists Michael and Wilbur with our Somerville-Immaculate Conception parish team in NJ:

It was cold on the streets of Somerville, but thankfully the Holy Spirit was warming the hearts of the people present. We felt the prayers of our two prayer warriors, Edith and Carolyn.

We first met a woman with her young son who goes to Mass and Confession already. However, she asked us to pray for her father who is struggling with alcoholism and the challenges that it presents with their relationship.

We also encountered a young adult who just lost his father. He was open to us praying for his father’s soul and his own grief. Also, he had stopped by last year, where we encouraged him to check out the Church’s young adult Catholic group, as he was looking for community. We were happy to hear that he had done so and went to the last meeting that they had.

We further encountered a mother with her young daughter. The daughter already knew how to say the Rosary, but Wilbur smoothly provided a pamphlet to the mother who didn’t know how to.

We also met Nick, a 35 year old who was vibrant and excited to continue on his journey to know God. We spoke with him about the existence of God that can be ascertained through faith and reason, as he explained to us his scientific background. He was eager to and wanted to hear about the origin of the Miraculous Medal, as he often goes to Paris.

Wilbur and I were thankful for these and the other encounters that God permitted yesterday!

Praised be Jesus Christ!