Gaithersburg, MD
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The following report comes to us from team leader Nancy with our team in Gaithersburg, MD:
It was a blustery, cold day two Saturdays ago at the bus stop and providentially we happened to be there as there was a man who tripped as he exited the bus and bumped his head on the ground. Tom, who is a physical therapist called 911 and was able to speak and minister to him as he was Spanish speaking. I actually saw him last Thursday, and he was extremely appreciative of us reaching out to him as there were no side effects from the fall.
Sheila went out with Bob and I on a Thursday and was able to share the gospel with many people. The person in the photo is Eddy who was very grateful for us being there and wanted to take our picture. I met two people who said they were Agnostics. One was totally turned off when I attempted to give him the Good News Pamphlet and share the gospel but the other was a woman from Russia who was visiting her elderly parents for two weeks. She was very open to talk about God although her English was very broken. She is a pediatric doctor. I shared with her my witness and how God intervened in my life and transformed it. She did not want to take the Good News pamphlet in the beginning which explains all about the gospel, but after a while she was curious and was open to receiving it. I pray that in her travels back home that she will think about our conversation and that God would open her heart as she reads the Good News pamphlet.
So many people are hungry to hear that God loves them and is with them and to pray with them. I prayed over a person who is a Sikh Hindu who believes in reincarnation for God to heal his migraines. I pray that God would open his mind to the truth of His love for him as he reads the information given to him.
May God continue to bless and protect our little chapter and Our Lady guide us.