Blacksburg, VA
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The following report comes to us from team leader Zach with our team in New River Valley, VA:
When you evangelize on the street, you never know who you will meet or what to expect. In a small town like Blacksburg, you often run into friends and family when you are out and about. One of our dear Catholic friends, Dylan, was among those we encountered, and she spontaneously type-wrote and gifted us the beautiful poem.
Street evangelization is a form of spontaneous poetry. Inviting strangers, suffering with them, rejoicing with them…it is raw. It is unstructured. It requires being present and engaging with the ultimate Source material: Jesus and His Creation. We evangelists are children of God, engaging with children of God, by the Spirit of God — while we are not the Source, we are the medium and the canvas. What a beautiful and grave responsibility it is to hand out Life on the streets.
SS. Ignatius, Brigid, and Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us: that we try our mightiest to bring Life to others, and that we never waste the grace Our Life and Savior gives us.
Praised be Jesus Christ!