“Martyrs in the Public Square”

“Martyrs in the Public Square”

Renton, WA. Today’s story features a terrific team from just outside of Seattle, St. Stephen the Martyr parish which serves both the Kent & Renton areas. As their homepage states: “Our SPSE team is excited to bring the Gospel of Good News to those we...
“Repairing Cars & Souls”

“Repairing Cars & Souls”

Detroit, MI. There is no bad place to evangelize. Because our God is ready and willing to speak to His children who have strayed wherever they’re at, if only they would stop and listen. Thankfully the woman in today’s story was willing to talk about God...
“Inch by Inch”

“Inch by Inch”

Boise, ID. The process of growth is usually slow with most things, be they plants, animals, or humans. The same goes for spiritual growth. But like a doorway covered with pencil marks to show the growth of children over time, if we were able to determine spiritual...
“Parking Lot Gospel”

“Parking Lot Gospel”

Warren, MI. Very few give much thought to parking lots. And why would we? They are simply a place to leave our cars, so we can get to our true destination, whatever it might be. Famous singer Joni Mitchell once lamented in her famous song Big Yellow Taxi, “They...
“Hospital Room Worship”

“Hospital Room Worship”

Warren, MI. When someone is in the hospital and approaching death, the stark reality of eternity can make them very open to receiving the mercy of Jesus if they haven’t already. It’s also an opportunity to evangelize family members who are there to support...