Are All Churches the Same?

Are All Churches the Same?

Are All Churches the Same? Plymouth, MI. Are all churches basically the same? Does it matter which church you belong to? On the one hand, it can seem like maybe it doesn’t matter. Salvation comes from living faith in Jesus Christ, and many churches seem to inculcate...

I’ll never be good at sharing my faith.

Today our national director, Steve Dawson, talks about some of the misconceptions of evangelization, especially that evangelization means apologetics. Misconceptions about evangelization: Evangelization is primarily a work of apologetics. If a person knows apologetics...

Evangelizing Jehovah Witnesses

The Boise team showed up downtown at the same time that a Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs) convention was being held. This turned out to be an interesting encounter with some JWs who came up to ‘preach’ to the Catholic team. The JW insisted that believers are to address God...

Intellectual acceptance?

Some evangelical protestants like to pass out creative looking tracts to catch people’s attention and plant seeds about their understanding of the Gospel. While their efforts are commendable, they almost always contain teachings that do not capture the whole truth...

Fides et Ratio

“Reason cannot eliminate the mystery of love which the Cross represents, while the Cross can give to reason the ultimate answer which it seeks.” Pope St. John Paul II One of those quotes you have to read again and meditate on! What do you think Pope St. John...

Laundry Detergent and Fallen Away Catholics

by Jeffrey van Zuiden I’m willing to bet that most of you at some point in time, have tried a new product that you thought would be the “end all, be all,” only to find yourself very disappointed in the end. These days, you see this everywhere, sadly even within...