Evangelizing through our Pastimes and Hobbies

by Stephen Spiteri I have a confession to make. It may not be so much of a confession to some of you because you’ve gotten to know me so well, but for the rest of you, I confess to you this: I am a gamer geek. I enjoy playing video games from time to time, I...

Laundry Detergent and Fallen Away Catholics

by Jeffrey van Zuiden I’m willing to bet that most of you at some point in time, have tried a new product that you thought would be the “end all, be all,” only to find yourself very disappointed in the end. These days, you see this everywhere, sadly even within...

A matter of substance

by Stephen Spiteri I had a conversation with a fundamentalist the other day and he was asking how it was at all possible that Jesus could “be something so mundane as bread and wine … how can you believe that bread and wine becomes the flesh and blood of...

What it really means to be a “Practicing Catholic”

by Stephen Spiteri A few years ago, before I started this blog and before I seriously started getting into apologetics, I trekked cyberspace for an online Christian community to discuss all matters pertaining to faith. I came across one particular Christian forum...

Marriage: Forgotten, not destroyed

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in such a way that the United States will almost certainly grant to homosexual couples the same legal status as heterosexual couples. It is often described as a redefinition of marriage. This thinking is...

Looking into the face of evil

By Jeffrey van Zuiden Have you ever looked into the face of evil? Have you ever carried on a conversation with evil? Have you ever been into a house of evil? How about this; have you ever helped carry groceries into evil’s house? I have. Today, I learned that a...