A Great New Spot

The Phoenix, AZ team made themselves available near the downtown Gilbert Farmers market from about 8 to 10:30am on a past Saturday, and had some good conversations. Sean, Bill, Anne Marie, and Dave found a great spot near a side entrance right across from the main...

“Invigorated and Enthusiastic for Evangelization”

St. Paul, MN. National speaker and Catholic author Kelly Wahlquist joined our Program Director, Adam Janke, and a group of evangelists on the streets of St. Paul, Minnesota. The group of evangelists, who had just completed our live Basic Evangelization Training, gave...

The Beautiful Sacrament of Confession

  Dallas, TX. In this picture, we see evangelist Mark talking to one of several people met that day, who were Catholic but did not attend mass every Sunday. Mark used the “One Good Reason” approach: “May I tell you one good reason that I worship at...

Letting Nothing Deter Them

Detroit, MI. Sometimes, our evangelizing presence makes people nervous. Kathryn and Bob went evangelizing near the famous Eastern Market in Detroit. At first, they had set up in the wrong area, and someone came and told them were told to move onto public property…...

The “Fun Suit”

Smyrna, GA. Who says evangelists can’t have fun? At the St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Spring-Fest, the Smyrna team set up a table to reach out to festival attendees. And while they shared the faith, veteran evangelist Clarence had his hands full most of the day...

A Sacramental View of Reality

Dallas, TX. For the Christian, the visible creation has a special importance. It is not only created good by God, but it is also caught up in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, who not only took on a physical body, but redeems the whole of creation along with the...