The Latest Buzz

Join us for 'The Latest Buzz', a monthly meeting of Team Leaders where we get together for an hour to share best practices, successes, challenges, and discuss relevant street evangelization topics. The Meeting is on the 3rd Monday of each month at 8 pm EST. Click the link to join the Zoom Meeting

I'll never confess my sins to a priest. I'll just go straight to God

What do you say if someone says, “There's no way I'm confessing my sins to a priest. I just go straight to God”? [read more]

Click here to see last month’s responses.

Tech Tip: Team Leader Small Groups

Get together with other team leaders in our new Team Leader Small Groups. Check it out here for more info.

Team Leader Highlights

Learn about our awesome team leaders and their teams! Today we are highlighting David Rollins (from Fort Worth, TX) and Ed Graveline (from Sierra Vista, AZ). [read more]

Team Leaders please complete your team leader profile so we can highlight you in the future.


What's New!

Sign up for the next VSEW here:

Check out the Great Commission Leaderboard! The top 10 teams with the most posted outings in 2022 win a $50 in-store credit!

Also, it's not to early to sign up for Immersion:

To post your events, go here: and hover your mouse over 'Events' and then click on 'Add an event'

Hi Team Leaders!!

In this video we talk about what is going on in December and pray for our teams.

The Evangelist’s Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Set our hearts on fire with zeal for the Gospel, love for all people, and the desire for their salvation. Inspire us that we might proclaim the Gospel persuasively and with charity, giving witness with our words and our lives. Give us courage in proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the truth, beauty, and goodness of our Catholic faith. We beg you also to open the hearts of all people, helping them to know Your love and Your call to the fullness of life in Your Church. Through our holy patrons, Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Paul, we ask these graces for all the evangelists of St. Paul Street Evangelization, and we make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.


June 2021

Why is the Catholic Church against gay marriage? In the secular world June is gay pride month, so it’s important that evangelists are able to explain in a loving way why the Catholic Church opposes gay marriage. When someone asks, “Why is the Catholic Church against...

May 2021

We are all Christians, so we'll all end up in the same place anyways This month's Whaddaya Say comes from our team leader, Jeff, in Salem, OR. It expresses indifference about which religion within Christianity, if any, is the true one. This attitude is common among...

April 2021

Latest Buzz ReminderJoin us this Thursday Evening for the Latest Buzz Thursday March 18th at 9 pm (EST) Direct link: One tap mobile: +13126266799,,672112066# Topic: Join us for a short presentation on Evangelizing Muslims, prayer, updates,...

March 2021

Why would a loving Father require the death of his beloved Son? This month’s Whaddaya Say is about the manner in which God redeemed the world. Some people object to Christianity on the grounds that a good God wouldn't have a plan that requires the death of His Son....

February 2021

Why Did the Church Kill People During the Crusades? This month’s Whaddaya Say is about the Crusades. Among those who object to Catholicism because of the Crusades, some use it as evidence that religion in general is fanatical and violent. Others are religious but just...

January 2021

Why should I listen to sinful leaders in the Catholic Church? This month’s Whaddaya Say comes from Dennis Kowalinski, a student in our online school. The question came up in a conversation with his doctor who was concerned about the sex scandals that have plagued our...

December 2020

Yoga really helps my child to be calm This month’s Whaddaya Say is inspired by an actual conversation with a family member. Click here to see last month’s responses. One of my family members is Catholic but is unaware that practicing yoga goes against church teaching....

November 2020

What do you say to someone who doesn’t think they need saving? This month’s ‘Whaddaya Say’ comes from Brendan. Click here to see last month’s responses. He writes: How do you evangelize someone who doesn’t think they need saving? It’s easy to evangelize someone who is...

October 2020

​Hi team leaders! Can you believe it’s already September? We have a lot to look forward to this month: Labor Day, Football and pumpkin spice lattes. But do you know what else we do in September? We honor Our Lady of Sorrows. Her feast day is September 15. This...

September 2020

​Hi team leaders! Can you believe it’s already September? We have a lot to look forward to this month: Labor Day, Football and pumpkin spice lattes. But do you know what else we do in September? We honor Our Lady of Sorrows. Her feast day is September 15. This...

Whaddaya Say?

Tech Tips

Team Leader Highlights