August 12, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Register Today for the St. Paul Virtual School of Evangelization! 2. Story from the Street: God Is The Greatest 3. Story from the Street: Seeing Smiles Through Masks, Pt. 1 Register Today for the St. Paul Virtual...

“Supporting Our Police”

“Supporting Our Police”

Phoenix, AZ. Today's story features an innovative evangelization idea: writing and sending out evangelistic encouragement cards to Phoenix Police officers. These cards reminded our law enforcement officers that God loves them and that they are appreciated in this...

Ep 51: Transformed by the Gospel

In this podcast, my colleague Beth and I interview Reggie Puertollano. Reggie had a profound conversion as a child after reading the Gospel which propelled him to be a missionary and evangelist around the world. Today, he is a husband and father in San Diego. He is a...

Ep 51: Transformed by the Gospel

In this podcast, my colleague Beth and I interview Reggie Puertollano. Reggie had a profound conversion as a child after reading the Gospel which propelled him to be a missionary and evangelist around the world. Today, he is a husband and father in San Diego. He is a...

August 6, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Announcing Our New Virtual School! 2. Story from the Street: Thrift Store Blessings 3. Story from the Street: Unity Announcing Our New Virtual School! Do you want to learn how to evangelize and still have a learning...

“God is The Greatest”

“God is The Greatest”

Lansing, MI. Today's story features a team who felt the promptings of God to get back out there and evangelize. And they were certainly glad that they did. Click here to read more stories from our team in Lansing, MI  The following report comes to us from evangelist...