Ep. 50: Opinions about Jesus

In this podcast, my colleagues Beth and Bob sit down with Isaac Longworth. Isaac is a seminarian with the Companions of the Cross. Isaac studies theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary and hopes to be ordained a priest in three years. He is active in the anti-abortion...

Ep. 50: Opinions about Jesus

In this podcast, my colleagues Beth and Bob sit down with Isaac Longworth. Isaac is a seminarian with the Companions of the Cross. Isaac studies theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary and hopes to be ordained a priest in three years. He is active in the anti-abortion...

“Strong Evangelism”

“Strong Evangelism”

Royal Oak, MI. Different cities naturally draw different crowds. Today's story takes place in a vibrant city area, where younger people tend to gravitate and there is much more foot traffic. A young woman, who normally doesn't evangelize with this team, got to...

August 2020

Hi team leaders! It’s August and although we still face uncertainty about the school calendar, we can still be certain about our Church calendar. The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart Mary. The physical heart of Mary is venerated (and not adored as...

“Back on the Street”

“Back on the Street”

Rochester, MN. While there is need for our SPSE team's presence almost everywhere, hospitals are certainly a place where people are in need of immediate prayer. Which is why our team set up shop right outside the Mayo Clinic. Click here to read more stories from our...



Warren, MI. It's sad that people within our own Catholic church can feel unwelcome, but it happens more often than we'd probably care to admit. In today's story, a man who was a visitor was visibly struggling. Thankfully our evangelist noticed and reached out to him...

July 29, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Praying for Bicyclists 2. Story from the Street: Blown Away By St. Benedict 3. Meet and Greet: Join Us in Welcoming Our New Marketing Director! Praying For Bicyclists Rochester, MI. The kindness of our street...