“Some Will, Some Won’t, Pt. 2”
Boise, ID Click here to find a team or start one of your own! This is the second in a two-part story from Lucy, a team leader in Boise, ID: A tall man on an electric scooter sped past. He was startled at our offer, but continued on his way. Moments later, though, he...
“Some Will, Some Won’t, Pt. 1”
Boise, ID Click here to find a team or start one of your own! This is the first in a two-part story from Lucy, a team leader in Boise, ID: Praying the Rosary is a way to grow closer to Jesus Christ, the King of Creation. Some accept. So thank you again for your...
“Bethlehem Revisited”
Waxahachie, TX Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Joseph with our St. Joseph parish team in Waxahachie, TX: We set up the table at the Bethlehem Revisited event in Waxahachie, which is an event that...
“Small Town Christmas”
Milo, IA Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Shaun with our team in Lacona, IA: On Dec. 2, we attended Milo’s Small Town Christmas. We set up a table in the entryway of St. Augustine’s Church, which was...
“God Evidence, Pt. 2”
Boise, ID Click here to find a team or start one of your own! This report is a continuation from yesterday's story and comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID: Jesus came to save us, and that’s still His desire. So thank you again for your prayers...
“God’s Whisper and the Eyes of the Precious Blood of Jesus”
Hanover, PA Click here to find a team or start one of your own! This report comes from Connie and Dan with the Adams Deanery SPSE team in Hanover, PA: My husband and I began the day with our holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament. The Snacktown Street Fair was our...
Choosing Christ Over Drugs and Alcohol
Thomas shares how he got tired of addiction and the party life and found the happiness he was looking for in the Eucharist. More personal testimonies
“A Protestant in the Desert”
Ahwatukee, AZ Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Phil with our team in Ahwatukee, AZ: Today, before the sun rose, Rogelio and I set up next to the entrance of a busy desert hiking trail in the South...
Jesus—Yesterday, Today, and Forever, Pt. 1
Boise, ID Click here to find a team or start one of your own! This is the first in a two-part story from team leader Lucy in Boise, ID: A young-adult man stopped who was unsure if he was still a Christian, since he was too busy to go to church or even to think about...
“Going Out Through the Door Into the Sweltering Heat, Pt. 1”
Rochester, MN Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Deb with our team in Owatonna, MN: When I talk to groups about evangelization, I always share this quote from Pope Francis: "We cannot keep ourselves...