“La Jolla Evangelization”

La Jolla, CA. La Jolla is a seaside city located just north of San Diego, where our evangelists set up to share their faith with beachgoers. No team exists here just yet, but we're hoping one of our new evangelists decides to start up a team there soon. Click here to...

“Beat the Heat”

Phoenix, AZ. It's hot days like these where we often look for shelter from the sun. We may even wish, as the psalmist says in Psalm 91, that God's wings would appear so we could take refuge (although he's likely not referring to shelter from the Phoenix sun!). Our...

“First Timers”

Warren, MI. It's always good to get new evangelists out on the street sharing the gospel, since "the harvest is abundant but the laborers are few." (Matt. 9:37) In today's story, we see two men out for their first outing, with the hope that they'll be regulars for...

“Gas Station Flood”

Warren, MI. Radiating the joy of Christ in these days of anger, doubt, and fear helps others know that He is real. In today's story, our evangelist shows his confidence in God and the joy that comes from a relationship with Him. This makes an impression on the man he...

“BMX Prayer Session”

Warren, MI. Oftentimes as evangelists we only meet a person once, offer them the gospel, prayer, and anything else they might need. But other times God sees fit to bring a person back into our path so we can continue to minister to them and check on their progress,...

“Can I Pray For You?”

Orlando, FL. Today's team went out again for the first time in months since the pandemic hit. They wanted to do something simple that would touch people’s hearts, so they went to Lake Eola to set up a prayer station and created signs that read “Can I pray for you?”...

“The Harvest is Ripe”

Gaithersburg, MD. Today's story comes from a team that was finally able to get back out on the streets after the long hiatus due to COVID. While they hoped to run into some of the people they've met over the years to let them know they're praying for them, God had...

“Hotline Healing?”

Rochester Hills, MI. St. Paul Evangelization recently started a new hotline (833-99-JESUS) where people can call and ask questions about Jesus or the Catholic church. We've mostly received calls for prayer to address health or personal issues, and have been glad to...

“Seeking To Understand”

Atlanta, GA. PLEASE NOTE: This story took place before the COVID-19 virus started spreading, which is why our evangelist is out freely speaking with people without a mask. Also, it should be noted that while the photo shown is one of the evangelists in the story, it...

“Hunger for Peace”

Boise, ID. There is at this very tumultuous time in our history, a certain hunger for peace. Thankfully prayer, especially the Rosary, can be a great way to attain that peace and to commune with Our Lord. Today's story features a team that handed out 10-15 rosaries on...