May 2021 - Team Leader News

We are all Christians, so we'll all end up in the same place anyways
This month's Whaddaya Say comes from our team leader, Jeff, in Salem, OR. It expresses indifference about which religion within Christianity, if any, is the true one. This attitude is common among non-demoninational Christians as well as others. How would you respond? [read more]
Click here to see last month’s responses.
Tech Tip: Great Commission Leaderboard
It's a holy rivalry! Check out our Great Commission Leaderboard.

Latest Buzz Reminder
Join us this Thursday Evening for the Latest Buzz
- Thursday May 20th at 9 pm (EST)
- Direct link:
- One tap mobile: +13126266799,,672112066#
Topic: Join us for prayer, updates, and small group discussions. [read more]

Team Leader Highlights
Learn about our awesome team leaders and their teams! Today we are highlighting Emma Clark (from Belfast, ME) and Sujey Perez (from Asheville, NC). [read more]
Team Leaders please complete your team leader profile so we can highlight you in the future. You can also contact to let us know if there is something special we should highlight about you or your team.
What's New!
Hi Team Leaders!!
In this video we talk about what is going on in May and pray for our teams. Latest Buzz: Thursday, May 20 at 9 pm EST. Join us for night prayer and fellowship!
Meanwhile, check out this great new article, 6 Reasons why all Christians (non-Catholics too!) should have a relationship with Mary