“God Brought Me To Her”

“God Brought Me To Her”

Lansing, MI. In today’s story we see an unexpected opportunity to share the gospel. While it certainly wasn’t ideal under the current COVID-19 restrictions, our evangelist did the best he could when faced with a woman in trouble. It should also be...
“Just Say When, Lord!”

“Just Say When, Lord!”

San Diego, CA. Today’s story is more of a focus on what team leaders can do to get their teams prepared to hit the streets again. We need to be ready once restrictions are lifted to get out there and evangelize, while still following guidelines put forth by our...
“Sharing Mary at McDonald’s”

“Sharing Mary at McDonald’s”

Rochester Hills, MI. Slowly and cautiously, America is starting to re-open. This means that we, as evangelists, need to start considering how we will approach sharing the gospel once the opportunity arises. Today’s evangelist chose to share the love of our...
“Missionaries March Onward”

“Missionaries March Onward”

As you might know, St. Paul Street Evangelization has a group of dedicated volunteers called regional missionaries. For those of you who are unfamiliar, these men and women are located all across the U.S., and essentially are leader evangelists that are similar to a...
“Reactions to Jesus”

“Reactions to Jesus”

Phoenix, AZ. Jesus told his disciples, “If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first.” (John 15:18). He also warned of those who were lukewarm or indifferent: “So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold, I will spit you out of my...