“Night Fever”

“Night Fever”

Orlando, FL. Today’s story from the street features NightFever, which is an event that seeks to help those far away from the Catholic Church to encounter God and to experience His love and mercy. This is done by asking volunteers to approach people on the street...
“Sowing Smiles”

“Sowing Smiles”

Warren, MI. Seeing a kind and familiar face can always do wonders for the soul. That’s the case in today’s story. Our evangelist encountered a woman whom he had shared the gospel with in the past. Unfortunately, he found her feeling rather “down in...
“Too Tough To Die”

“Too Tough To Die”

Tombstone, AZ. Many cities have slogans or mottos associated with them. Sometimes for positive reasons, and sometimes not. The city that our evangelists visited in today’s story is known as “the town too tough to die”–Tombstone, AZ. That phrase...
“Meeting Martyrs”

“Meeting Martyrs”

Philadelphia, PA. Having health problems can be kind of like a slow “martyrdom.” It can cause physical pain, lack of mobility, depression, weight gain, and a variety of other problems. So it was rather fitting that today’s team set up outside two...
“On Earth as it is in Heaven”

“On Earth as it is in Heaven”

Gaithersburg, MD. As we can see from the prayer of the Our Father, Our Lord let us know that the primary concern of God’s heart is that “His kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven.” In today’s story, our evangelists tried to facilitate...