“The Lord Rewards Sacrifice”

“The Lord Rewards Sacrifice”

Philadelphia, PA. When you’re doing something for Our Lord, and it’s not easy, He knows that and will reward you accordingly. Today’s team went out in cold, icy conditions, all for the salvation of souls. God blessed their time in the harsh...
“Evangelizing at the DIA, Pt. 2”

“Evangelizing at the DIA, Pt. 2”

Detroit, MI. When people visit the Detroit Institute of Arts, or any art museum for that matter, they are often there seeking beautiful art. Beauty, along with goodness and truth, make up the three transcendentals. “Transcendentals are the timeless and universal...
“Evangelizing at the DIA, Pt. 1”

“Evangelizing at the DIA, Pt. 1”

Detroit, MI. The Detroit Institute of Arts, or DIA as it’s known to locals, is ranked as one of the top six art museums in America, and draws visitors young and old. It contains many beautiful religious works, including Gozzoli’s “Madonna and...
“Fiesta in the Park, Pt. 4”

“Fiesta in the Park, Pt. 4”

Orlando, FL.  Today is the last story in the “Fiesta in the Park” series.   The following report comes to us from evangelist and regional missionary Christina in Orlando, FL:   Click to read more stories from regional missionary Christina in...
“Fiesta in the Park, Part 3”

“Fiesta in the Park, Part 3”

Orlando, FL  Misconceptions or misinformation can easily lead us astray. We must always be on guard against reacting to information if we’re not sure of its accuracy. In addition, we must remind others to be on guard against the same thing. Too often we hear...
“Fiesta in the Park, Pt. 2”

“Fiesta in the Park, Pt. 2”

Orlando, FL In today’s story, we see two different encounters, both are struggling with a crisis in their lives. But thankfully, after speaking with our evangelists, they are able to receive the peace of Christ. As Our Lord said in John 14:27, “Peace I...