“I realize that I’m not worthless”

“I realize that I’m not worthless”

Riverside, CA. Hope makes miracles happen, and hope is sometimes communicated through the simplest gestures – even just giving someone a rosary bracelet! This recent report came from Paul. Hi everyone, I thought I would share this story with you. Team Riverside goes...
“Making Connections at the Ball Game”

“Making Connections at the Ball Game”

Detroit, MI. Sometimes it’s the little things that plant seeds. A kind gesture, a sacramental at the right time, a word uttered that has prophetic significance. YOU may be the person God is sending to do a job, give a message, or attend to a need. The “crumbs,” the...
“Going Out Two By Two”

“Going Out Two By Two”

Arlington, VA. Most people who see the work of SPSE see us “on the street.” But in growing the apostolate, Saint Paul Evangelization Institute is also involved in the work of training new evangelists to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and continue the work....
We Are Called to Share the Faith

We Are Called to Share the Faith

Kenosha, WI. Here’s a report from Dave: I set up near the lake front of Lake Michigan in Kenosha Wisconsin. The big event was an annual marathon with plenty of foot traffic. I was handing out rosaries, but couldn’t drum up a good conversation. So I did a quick...
“Our little group became like the apostles at Pentecost!”

“Our little group became like the apostles at Pentecost!”

We are just three weeks out from Immersion 2019! Participants will enjoy the following talks on formation day, along with over 10 hours of evangelization practice with our staff, team leaders, and regional missionaries.Subscribe to get our blog posts as a weekly...
“Shepherds At The Walmart”

“Shepherds At The Walmart”

New Ulm, Minnesota. It is always great for the spirits of the faithful when a bishop of the Church follows up words with action. We must always pray for our bishops, for they are the visible leaders in the Church. How much more powerful, then, when they join the laity...