Flea Market Evangelization

Pendergrass, GA. Our evangelists don’t only evangelize on the streets. We’ve had teams set up at festivals, conferences, airports, parish events, homeless shelters, and more. Team leader Pablo of the Prince of Peace SPSE team in Atlanta recently sent us a report on...

“Amazing Conversations! … We were all blessed!”

Dearborn, MI. Evangelist Maisa, and seminarians from Detroit’s Sacred Heart Major Seminary recently went evangelizing at the U of M, Dearborn, Student center. Maisa recounts how many great conversations she and the seminarians had with Muslims, Agnostics, Lutherans,...

“God has been calling me to do something like this”

Berkeley, CA. Please pray for Paul from Napa, California, as he gets a new team started. Paul attended a recent evangelization outing with the Berkeley, California team. It was his first time doing street evangelization. At first, together with another “new guy,” Paul...

Starting From Common Ground

Lansing, MI. On a recent outing, Adam and Tom spoke to Benji, who had stopped by to speak to them before. Benji is studying philosophy and advertising at Michigan State University. He believes in God, loves Jesus, and knows how important it is to worship with other...

Cultivate the Virtues of Evangelization

Dallas, TX. “Have no fear … nor be troubled, but in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence; and keep your conscience clear, so...

New Team Checks In!

Springfield, MO. A new team has recently checked in with the SPSE national office! The new Springfield, Missouri team sent us an update after having its first outing doing evangelization outreach at the Midwest March for Life. They handed out rosaries, promoted the...