Chastity, Impossible?

This man refused to take a Rosary because he said the Catholic Church was a greedy organization that didn’t help anyone. Steve told him that nothing could be further from the truth, especially since the Catholic Church was the largest charitable organization in the...

Evangelization in Vegas

A report from the Vegas team: This lady was a fallen-away Catholic. Did not get a chance to spend much time with her, but did give her a rosary, how to say it, and a pamphlet on “Ten Reasons to Return to the Catholic Church.” She said she would. There was...

Evangelizing in the Nation’s Capital

Here is our Washington, DC Team! Three Catholic ‘Evangelicals’ went out today and the Holy Spirit allowed all three of us to have good conversations with many people in Dupont Circle. We gave out our emails to a few people and a few people gave us their...

Evangelization and the Corporal Works of Mercy

These people stopped by looking for some assistance with getting food for their family. Our teams often meet homeless people out on the street while they are evangelizing and so we make sure we know of the local outreaches in the area to point them two. (This team is...

Tending to the Broken-Hearted

Carolyn, reports, “I spoke at length with a homeless man sitting by our corner today. His name is Al. He said he had no use for God ever since God took his parents from him in death many years ago. He said he has never spoken to God again. He was evicted from...

Reconciliation with God’s Family

The SPSE Royal Oak Group experienced a recent Saturday filled with the Holy Spirit while they were evangelizing in downtown Royal Oak, MI. It was beautiful, sunny, and warm and a lot of people were out walking and enjoying the weather. Team leader Scott Chaney and...