“Greeting Card Ministry”

“Greeting Card Ministry”

Chicago, IL. Click here to learn more about our Virtual School of Evangelization  The following report comes to us from virtual school student Roberta in Chicago, IL: As a St. Paul School of Evangelization online student, I’ve been thinking about how I can do my...
“So Many Prayers Needed”

“So Many Prayers Needed”

San Diego, CA. Click here to learn more about our team in Central San Diego, CA The following report comes to us from team leader Steve with our teams in San Diego, CA: This time around we met a young woman raised in a mixed family (Greek Orthodox and Catholic.) Her...
“Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 5”

“Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 5”

Austin, TX. To prepare their diaconate candidates, Deacon Guadalupe asked St. Paul Evangelization to come to Austin and train them how to evangelize. We had about 30 men and their wives show up. After Adam trained them on the basics, we hit the streets for an hour to...
“Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 4”

“Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 4”

Austin, TX. To prepare their diaconate candidates, Deacon Guadalupe asked St. Paul Evangelization to come to Austin and train them how to evangelize. We had about 30 men and their wives show up. After Adam trained them on the basics, we hit the streets for an hour to...
“Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 3”

“Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 3”

Austin, TX. To prepare their diaconate candidates, Deacon Guadalupe asked St. Paul Evangelization to come to Austin and train them how to evangelize. We had about 30 men and their wives show up. After Adam trained them on the basics, we hit the streets for an hour to...
“Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 2”

“Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 2”

Austin, TX. To prepare their diaconate candidates, Deacon Guadalupe asked St. Paul Evangelization to come to Austin and train them how to evangelize. We had about 30 men and their wives show up. After Adam trained them on the basics, we hit the streets for an hour to...