“Antivirus Protection”

“Antivirus Protection”

Rochester, MI. Most computers need some kind of antivirus software to keep unwanted viruses from infecting them. Today’s story features an evangelist who offered a different type of antivirus protection in the form of a Miraculous Medal. While it we must always...
“Saving Veterans”

“Saving Veterans”

Jackson, LA. The smallest effort can sometimes have an enormous effect. Just look at today’s story. One of our St. Paul Evangelization online store customers purchased some of our medals and rosaries, and sent them to a friend in a War Vets Home. His friend took...
“Prayer During the Pandemic”

“Prayer During the Pandemic”

Chicago, IL. Jesus told us in Mark 16 to go into all the world and preach the gospel. And our SPSE teams continue to do just as Our Lord commanded, even while COVID-19 has hit almost every corner of the world too. That makes sharing the good news quite a bit more...
“The Rosary Leads People To Jesus”

“The Rosary Leads People To Jesus”

Boise, ID. The Rosary leads people to contemplate on the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is why saints like St. Francis de Sales, Padre Pio, St. Josemaria Escriva say it’s one of the most powerful prayers out there. And it’s...
“Blood of the Lamb”

“Blood of the Lamb”

Gaithersburg, MD. When Catholics truly understand what Jesus suffered for us, they’ll want to become evangelists and share this truth with the world. The following quote from Blessed Abbot Aelred on Christ’s passion might help us meditate on Our...
“Prayer > Positive Thinking”

“Prayer > Positive Thinking”

Madison Heights, MI, Prayer is so very critical for every part of our lives. St. John Chrysostom so wisely stated, “Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness.”...