Fruits of the New Evangelization

Saint Louis, MO. What might be one of the more important signs that the efforts of the new evangelization are bearing fruit? Here’s a hint from one of the first great leaders of the Church, a patron of our apostolate: “We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his...

“I’m now in the RCIA program”

South Windsor, CT. In the picture we see Ken and Donna, of the South Windsor, Connecticut SPSE team. Here is a report from Donna: The South Windsor team is up and running again. This past Saturday we were at the Strawberry festival. It’s a craft fair in the town...

Street Confessions & “Holy Momentum”

Royal Oak, MI. One of our new initiatives is the “Ask-a-Priest” sign, for sale in our member’s store. Having your priest out to evangelize and hear confessions is a powerful way to bring Christ to the culture, for the priest is ordained, by the laying on of hands, to...

“I’m trying to help people grow closer to Jesus”

 Lincoln, NE. Here is a report from Wayne, of the Lincoln SPSE team []: Saturday down at the farmer’s market in the Hay Market, Lincoln. Mary and Wayne met Robert while they were setting up. Robert approached the...

Witnessing to “Fall-Aways”

Denver, CO. Here is a new report from Steve, the coordinator of the Littleton, Colorado SPSE team, about his team’s presence at a recent public event []: It was a good time. There were many “fall-aways.” Meghann brought a...

Sharing Our Talents

Lincoln, NE. Here is a report from Wayne, of the Lincoln SPSE team []: Seven evangelists made it out to the farmer’s market in the Hay Market: Wayne, Michael, Paul, Fr. Steele, Mary, Scott, and Sue. Our blessed Mother Mary...