Happy to be Spreading God’s Word Again

Lincoln, NE. Team leader Wayne sent us this recent update on his team’s first outing of the year: St. Paul Street Evangelization kicked off the year in Lincoln at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday. Sue, Bob, and Joe were the evangelists who answered this Saturday...

You Can Do This

Napa, CA. Praised be Jesus Christ! Here is a recent report from David, the coordinator of the Berkeley, California team. Our team was able to get a table at the Northern California Catholic Men’s Conference held in Napa, California. Renowned Catholic speakers Father...

Are All Churches the Same?

Plymouth, MI. Are all churches basically the same? Does it matter which church you belong to? On the one hand, it can seem like maybe it doesn’t matter. Salvation comes from living faith in Jesus Christ, and many churches seem to inculcate and sustain such faith. This...

A Great New Spot

The Phoenix, AZ team made themselves available near the downtown Gilbert Farmers market from about 8 to 10:30am on a past Saturday, and had some good conversations. Sean, Bill, Anne Marie, and Dave found a great spot near a side entrance right across from the main...

“Invigorated and Enthusiastic for Evangelization”

St. Paul, MN. National speaker and Catholic author Kelly Wahlquist joined our Program Director, Adam Janke, and a group of evangelists on the streets of St. Paul, Minnesota. The group of evangelists, who had just completed our live Basic Evangelization Training, gave...

The Beautiful Sacrament of Confession

  Dallas, TX. In this picture, we see evangelist Mark talking to one of several people met that day, who were Catholic but did not attend mass every Sunday. Mark used the “One Good Reason” approach: “May I tell you one good reason that I worship at...