Archived Stories
“Blessings of God in our Evangelization Efforts”
Galveston, TX Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Janet with our team in Galveston, TX: Last Saturday, we were excited to go back to Pasadena Flea Market and evangelize. There was the usual busyness at...
“Evangelizing the Evangelizers, Pt. 1”
Boise, ID: Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID: Sometimes, Catholics are recognized as Christian, but questions remain. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise...
“Who Does God Want to Save?”, Pt 1
Boise, ID: Click here to find a team or start one of your own! This report is the first in a two-part story from team leader Lucy in Boise, Idaho: God wills everyone to be saved (cf. 1 Tim 2:4). So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street...
“Cold Day in the Lord’s Vineyard”, Pt. 1
Lansing, MI Click here to find a team or start one of your own! I am reporting of the fruitful day, Saturday, February 8th, downtown Lansing, Michigan in front of the main library. I have not given an account of God's work through us for our team in a while. We try to...
“Street Evangelization is Spontaneous Poetry”
Blacksburg, VA Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Zach with our team in New River Valley, VA: When you evangelize on the street, you never know who you will meet or what to expect. In a small town like...
“Evangelizing the Evangelizers, Pt. 2”
Boise, ID: Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following is a continuation of yesterday's story and comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID: While Chuck was talking with the three young men, I offered a Rosary to a young...
“Who Does God Want to Save?”, Pt 2
Boise, ID: Click here to find a team or start one of your own! This report is the second in a two-part story from team leader Lucy in Boise, Idaho Several families with 3-4 small children each went by. All the parents said no. Then, out of the last such family passing...
“Cold Day in the Lord’s Vineyard”, Pt. 2
Lansing, MI: Click here to find a team or start one of your own! This report is the second in a two-part story from team leader Dave in Lansing, Michigan: Shane came up, a homeless man, who is also staying at the mission shelter, took a crucifix and rosary. He wanted...
“Through the Few, There Will Be Many”
Galveston, TX Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Janet with our team in Galveston, TX: Those were the words that I heard in my mind as I prayed last Saturday for two evangelizers who at the time were...
“Our Guardian Angels at Work”
Gaithersburg, MD Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Nancy with our team in Gaithersburg, MD: It was a blustery, cold day two Saturdays ago at the bus stop and providentially we happened to be there as...