That’s Not Just a Coincidence

Albuquerque NM. Saint Paul Street Evangelization works together with many Legion of Mary groups. Here is a report from the SPSE team of the Legion of Mary, Our Lady of Victory Praesidium [] in Albuquerque, sent to us by the team...

What’s the Purpose of Life?

Redford, MI. The Detroit Parish Festival Street Evangelization Team recently returned to St. Robert Bellarmine Parish for their annual spring festival. One woman, Rachel, approached the team and asked for a rosary to give to her daughter. She admitted that she was "in...

“Many amazing conversations”

Bloomington, IN. Recently, on the campus of Indiana University, SPSE national director Steve talked to young lady from the church of Christ for about twenty minutes about the Catholic Church. He explained its founding by Jesus Christ, the “keys to the kingdom” granted...

SPSE Sighting!!

Escondido, CA. The following report did not come from a team itself, but from an acquaintance of ours who remarked about how our apostolate is getting to be all over the place. In other words, this is an SPSE sighting report! “St. Paul Street Evangelization is...

Proclaiming Good News to the Poor

Owatonna, MN. Jesus Christ calls every Christian to be a servant of the poor. The Church, likewise, calls us to have a “preferential option for the poor.” Deb, a team leader, attended a Church dinner at which the local homeless and poor were invited, setting up a...

Encounters in Lincoln

Lincoln, NE. Wayne, Mary, and Russ were recently down at the Farmer’s Market in the Hay Market to evangelize. Here are some of their encounters, shared by Wayne: Russ: Encountered mostly Catholics who were supportive that we were here evangelizing. He talked to a...

Beautiful Day in Berkeley

Berkeley, CA. Here is an update from David, of team Berkeley: It was a beautiful spring day perfectly made for evangelizing. We offered up our outing as a prayer for the men on this weekend’s Oakland Cursillo (a leadership training program). Our team gave out plenty...

Restless Hearts

Akron, OH. Here is a report from new evangelist Michael, about his recent experience evangelizing: We met a family with a Dad, Mom, and two kids of about 6 & 7 years of age. We gave them miraculous medals and explained the medals to them. I asked them if they went...

Happy to be Spreading God’s Word Again

Lincoln, NE. Team leader Wayne sent us this recent update on his team’s first outing of the year: St. Paul Street Evangelization kicked off the year in Lincoln at the Farmer's Market on Saturday. Sue, Bob, and Joe were the evangelists who answered this Saturday call....