Reconciliation with God’s Family

The SPSE Royal Oak Group experienced a recent Saturday filled with the Holy Spirit while they were evangelizing in downtown Royal Oak, MI. It was beautiful, sunny, and warm and a lot of people were out walking and enjoying the weather. Team leader Scott Chaney and...

Speaking about Hell

SPSE National Director, Steve Dawson, recently joined Chicago’s Humboldt Park team for a lively session of Catholic street evangelization. He reports that the team was able to talk with many people. He found the following conversation especially memorable. One man, in...

Witnessing to Smurfs

During a local Halloween event, our Detroit team saw a family of Smurfs! Papa Smurf stopped and pointed (in approval) to the free treasures he saw being offered: Rosaries, Miraculous Medals, CD's, and more. The team spoke to the family about how we also take prayer...

Faith, and a Mother’s Love

Our Boise, ID team reports, "The Boise team tried out a new time and location this evening. We were joined by David Brandt, who was in town from the San Francisco area. Thanks to wonderful prayer support, it turned out to be a worthwhile evening. At first the weather...

Do All True Christians Speak In Tongues?

This Pentecostal Protestant gentleman insisted that if you’re a true Christian you will have the experience known as “speaking in tongues.” He said one main reason why Catholicism cannot be true is because Catholics don’t teach “tongues” are a required sign of true...

The True Church of Christ

The Enterprise, AL, team had another busy day recently. First-time evangelist Gina Wong, who helped evangelize in Spanish, joined them this time. She was a natural and she loved it! Gina’s husband, Marcus Wong, also helped the team evangelize in Spanish.  In the...

Evangelization at Cobo

SPSE teamed up with the Archdiocese of Detroit and sent two teams of evangelists to the Health and Fitness Expo at Cobo Hall in Detroit, MI. More than 30,000 people passed through. The evangelists handed out many Rosaries, Miraculous Medals, crucifixes, and pamphlets....

The Bible is Catholic

The Detroit Festival team was recently at St Mary’s. There, evangelist Bob encountered a woman who used to be Catholic but who now attends a non-denominational Church. She accepted a Rosary and then asked where the Rosary came from. Bob told her about St. Dominic's...


The Tempe, AZ, team has been active most of this year, even during the heat of the Arizona summers. Here are a few highlights from just one of their outings. Evangelists John and Brad talked with a man who was raised Orthodox, had fallen away from the Christian faith,...