Donna Bungo (Cuyahoga Falls, OH)

Donna Bungo (Cuyahoga Falls, OH)

• Cuyahoga Falls Team Leader • Started with SPSE in 2021 • Please tell us a bit about yourself I am a mother of 3 and grandmother of 2. I have been divorced for 16 years. I pray constantly for my family, most of whom are away from the church. I spend my time praying,...

“Random Purchase”

“Random Purchase”

Detroit, MI. Click here to read more stories from our National SPSE team in Warren, MI This report comes to us from evangelist Br. John with our National SPSE team in Warren, MI: I was recently buying a used computer and wanted to test the internet by connecting it to...

December 15, 2021

In This Issue 1. Featured: Check Out Our Latest "One Good Reason" Video Testimonial 2. Story from the Street: Festival of Lights 3. Story from the Street: Evangelizing At The Christmas Parade Check Out Our Latest "One Good Reason" Video Testimonial Back in September,...

“A Mixed Lot”

“A Mixed Lot”

Boise, ID. Click here to read more stories from our team in Boise, ID The following report comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID: Human beings form a mixed lot, but God loves every single one of us and wants us each saved. So we try to nudge...

November 2021

Jesus called Peter Satan so how could he be the rock of the church? What do you say if someone says, “In Matthew 16:23, Jesus said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan’. How could Peter be the rock of the church?” [read more]Click here to see last month’s responses.Team...