Ep. 58: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

In this podcast, we interview one of our newest SPSE team leaders Griffin Rain. Griffin is a former seminarian with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. After discerning out he has begun living as a missionary at the inner-city parish St. Rose of Lima. Giffin shares his...

Ep. 58: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

In this podcast, we interview one of our newest SPSE team leaders Griffin Rain. Griffin is a former seminarian with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. After discerning out he has begun living as a missionary at the inner-city parish St. Rose of Lima. Giffin shares his...

“Holy Spirit at Work”

“Holy Spirit at Work”

Detroit, MI. Click here to learn more about our Eastern Market team in Detroit, MI The following report comes to us from our National SPSE team in Warren, MI: Eight evangelists made it out this past Saturday, including two brothers and a priest from a local religious...

“The Drive-Thru is Open”

“The Drive-Thru is Open”

Crystal, MN. Click here to read more stories from our St. Raphael parish team in Crystal, MN The following report comes to us from team leader Sharon with our St. Raphael parish team in Crystal, MN: We had a hot but successful Drive Thru prayer outing. The temperature...

June 23, 2021

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Agents of the Holy Spirit 2. Story from the Street: How Do I Become Catholic? 3. Story from the Street: Back to the Streets Agents of the Holy Spirit Detroit, MI. - The Holy Spirit made His presence known in several...

“Holy Boldness”

“Holy Boldness”

Northbrook, IL. Click here to read more stories from our Chicago North Shore team in IL The following report comes to us from team leader Mark with our Chicago North Shore team: About 10 days ago, 4 of us prayed to the Holy Spirit asking for inspirations He might have...