October 14, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: During Election Season, We Must Still Canvas For Jesus 2. Story from the Street: With God, Obstacles are Nothing 3. Story from the Street: Evangelizing at St. Mary's During Election Season, We Must Still Canvas For...

“Lifeguard On Duty”

“Lifeguard On Duty”

La Jolla, CA. When our evangelists go out to share the gospel, they are acting as a kind of lifeguard...perhaps looking for souls that might need prayer who are drowning in troubles. Recently our team has been participating in a praise and worship session on Friday...

October 7, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Host an Evangelization Training Workshop at your Parish! 2. Story from the Street: Saturday at the Market 3. Story from the Street: Evangelization in Japanese Host an Evangelization Training Workshop at your Parish!...